An Integrative Review on Arabin Pessary: The New Kid on the Block in Womb Wellness
Prema Priya G, Ananya Girish, Jeyamani Baskaran, Vijayakarthikeyan Madhu
Keywords :
Cervical length, Preterm birth, SPTB
Citation Information :
G PP, Girish A, Baskaran J, Madhu V. An Integrative Review on Arabin Pessary: The New Kid on the Block in Womb Wellness. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2024; 16 (6):719-723.
Preterm birth as a result of cervical insufficiency is one of the most common causes for perinatal mortality and morbidity. Alongside the traditional approach of interventions like cervical cerclages and pharmacotherapy like progesterone, newer methods like Arabin pessary are burgeoning, thanks to their safer and more effective outcomes. Articles of Arabin pessary elucidating its mechanism of action, its outcomes and its comparison with other methods were collected, and an integrative review has been penned to shine a better understanding on its utilization.
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