Assessment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Histological Relations Using Hysteroscopy-guided Biopsy: An Observational Study Over a Decade in a Tertiary Care Center
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Mishra VV, Solanki SB, Shajan A. Assessment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Histological Relations Using Hysteroscopy-guided Biopsy: An Observational Study Over a Decade in a Tertiary Care Center. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2023; 15 (5):505-508.
Objective: Assessing the findings of hysteroscopy and histologic diagnosis in women who have abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). The scenario is a sequential retrospective series of patients in a tertiary care hospital.
Patients: From January 2012 to December 2022, 1,090 individuals with AUB had hysteroscopies with biopsy.
Methods: Hysteroscopies were performed using 2.9- or 4-mm telescopes, and the distension solution was glycine or saline. With a 5-mm grasper or resectoscope, biopsies were performed. Histologic evaluation of biopsies and prevalence of hysteroscopic findings are the primary outcome measures.
Results: Normal uterine cavity and cervical canal were found in 759 (69.62%) patients. Submucous fibroids were diagnosed in 22 women. Endometrial polyps were discovered in 26 (2.38%) of the patients. Endometrial hyperplasia was detected in 166 (15.22%) of the women, while endometrial cancer was diagnosed in 4 of them (0.36%).
Conclusion: The most common histologic diagnosis was normal endometrium.
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