Introduction: Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is an important health problem but it is still receiving little attention, patients often seek medical help only when the disease is very disturbing/severe.
Case description: This case report describes a series of three cases of POP in young women who had similar profiles in terms of several characteristics, including age, occupation, ethnicity, BMI, parity, age of the youngest child (years), number of vaginal deliveries, operative vaginal deliveries, episiotomy, birth weight of the largest child, family history of prolapse, diagnosis, and procedures performed. In this case series, conservative operative treatment (Purandare hysteropexy) was carried out, then an examination of the sacrouterine ligament tissue was performed from the operation. The results of the examination showed a decrease in the expression of type I collagen, an increase in type III collagen, an increase in the levels of matrix metalloproteinases-2 (MMP-2), and MMP-9 which based on previous studies are found in patients with POP.
Conclusion: Conservative treatment with Purandare hysteropexy was done in all cases, further research is needed to establish whether this condition is the cause of the occurrence of POP in young people and the genetic correlation associated with the disorder.
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