VOLUME 16 , ISSUE 6 ( November-December, 2024 ) > List of Articles
Abhishek Behera, Mahija Sahu, Sanghamitra Mohapatra, Ankita Sahoo
Keywords : Case report, Fetus papyraceus, Intrauterine death, Twin pregnancy
Citation Information : Behera A, Sahu M, Mohapatra S, Sahoo A. Fetus Papyraceus: A Case Report. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2024; 16 (6):695-696.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10006-2532
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 19-11-2024
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).
Fetus papyraceus is a rare condition, where one fetus dies during the second trimester of gestation in a case of multiple gestation. The dead fetus is flattened, mummified, and compressed between the membranes of the surviving fetus and the endometrial wall. This is frequently associated with perinatal morbidity in another twin. Ultrasonography (USG) detection is not always possible due to the anatomical position of the fetus and technical obstacles. We delineate a case of fetus papyraceus in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in M.K.C.G. Medical College and Hospital, Berhampur, Odisha, India. A 23-year-old woman gravida, three para, two living issue one, prior normal delivery, unbooked, and vaccinated at periphery health center was admitted with complaints of labor pains and underwent normal delivery, and on inspection of placenta found a fortuitous finding of fetus papyraceus which was inside a separate sac.