VOLUME 16 , ISSUE 6 ( November-December, 2024 ) > List of Articles
Anggara Mahardika, Herbert Situmorang, Retno Asti Werdhani, Mila Maidarti, Achmad Kemal Harzif, Kanadi Sumapraja, R Muharam, Gita Pratama
Keywords : Clinical phenotype, Endometriosis, Translation, Validation, WERF-EPHect Clinical Questionnaire (Standard)
Citation Information : Mahardika A, Situmorang H, Werdhani RA, Maidarti M, Harzif AK, Sumapraja K, Muharam R, Pratama G. Translation and Content Validation of the WERF-EPHect Clinical Questionnaire (Standard) into Indonesian: A Standardized Tool for Collecting Clinical Phenotype Data in Endometriosis Patients. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2024; 16 (6):684-687.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10006-2533
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 19-11-2024
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).
Aims and background: Currently, there is no consensus on the standardization of clinical phenotype data for endometriosis patients. The WERF-Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonization Project initiated the development of standardization methods for collecting research samples of surgical phenotypes and clinical/biological data related to endometriosis research worldwide. Therefore, translation of the WERF-EPHect Clinical Questionnaire (Standard) (WERF EPQ-S) into Bahasa Indonesia and the validation of this questionnaire is required. To create a standard for taking clinical phenotype data for endometriosis patients by translating and validating WERF EPQ-S content. Materials and methods: This research was conducted using the transcultural adaptation method. This validation test WERF EPQ-S questionnaire was carried out through a process of forward–backward translation, harmonization by experts, cognitive debriefing to questionnaire targets, and proofreading and finalization by experts. Results: Translation and validation of the Indonesian version of the WERF EPQ-S questionnaire had 10 stages. There are cultural differences from the country of origin of the questionnaire, including medicines available, medical terms that are common in the country of origin but unfamiliar in Indonesia, and the presentation of racial tribes that do not describe variants of Indonesian ethnic tribes. The duration of finishing the questionnaire population was 79.3 minutes, and out of 116 questions, there were 21 that required to be guided. Conclusion: The WERF EPQ-S Indonesian version was obtained with contents according to users’ needs. Such a transcultural adaptation method is needed for this tool for the population. The WERF EPQ-S version in the Indonesian language is a valid questionnaire and is ready to be applied to endometriosis patients in Indonesia. Clinical significance: The translation and validation of the WERF-EPHect Clinical Questionnaire into Bahasa Indonesia represent a crucial step toward establishing a standardized and culturally relevant tool for collecting clinical phenotype data from endometriosis patients in Indonesia.