Survey of Usage of Social Media among Medical Students: A Cross-sectional Study
Pavika Lal, Shivi Kulshreshtha, Prabhat Agrawal
Keywords :
Medical graduates, Medical education, Social media, YouTube
Citation Information :
Lal P, Kulshreshtha S, Agrawal P. Survey of Usage of Social Media among Medical Students: A Cross-sectional Study. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2023; 15 (6):757-760.
Social media platforms provide MBBS students with a vast amount of medical information, research studies, and case studies shared by healthcare professionals and organizations. This can be beneficial for staying updated with the latest developments in the medical field.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study with pre-validated questionnaire was built using Google Form to assess the type and frequency of social media usage as well as its impact on academic performance among medical students at SN Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh and G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh from January 2022 to March 2022 which was distributed via e-mails and through WhatsApp groups.
A total of 1,179 participants which included all undergraduates, interns and postgraduates, responded to the survey.
Results: The average duration of usage was 3–4 hours as responded by majority of the participants. Sleep disturbance was seen in 27% of respondents although most of them used social media at nighttime. Only 27.2% of students deactivate their social media accounts during exam; however, only 15.9% of students always deactivate their account. About 32.3% of students had positive impact of social media on grades whereas 35.9% have responded that their grades were not affected by use of social media.
Conclusion: Our study has shown that MBBS students were quite familiar with various applications, but very few are using it for the purpose of study. However, it also presents challenges, such as distractions, potential negative impacts on mental health, and ethical considerations.
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