A Retrospective Analysis of 4800 Office Hysteroscopies at a Single Center
Vineet V Mishra, Smit B Solanki, Khushboo Patel
Keywords :
Office hysteroscopy, Operative hysteroscopy, Pain score, Single center
Citation Information :
Mishra VV, Solanki SB, Patel K. A Retrospective Analysis of 4800 Office Hysteroscopies at a Single Center. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2023; 15 (5):509-512.
Objective: Evaluation of the viability of office hysteroscopy in an Indian context at a single center. To encourage budding gynecologists to perform office hysteroscopy, which is possible with successful results with the correct strategy, method, and setting.
Methods: Observational analysis in retrospect. Between January 2011 and January 2022, 4827 women had office hysteroscopy at our center. Around 1627 instances of office hysteroscopy with a Bettocchi 2.9 scope and a Hamou endomat were performed from 2011 to 2022 and 3200 hysteroscopies with Bettocchi 1.9 scope and Endometrial automatic suction irrigation system (EASI) (2011–2022). The distension media utilized was regular saline. Hamou endomat parameters included a 200 ml/min drip rate, a 75-mm Hg irrigation pressure, and a 0.15 suction bar. Bettocchi 4 (1.9 mm) and Bettocchi 5 (2.9 mm) scope settings with EASI were 45 mm Hg. An experienced operator with office hysteroscopy training performed the hysteroscopy. Every operation was performed during the early proliferative period (4th–11th day). Key outcome measurements were complications, success and failure rates.
Results: In roughly 4821 of instances, hysteroscopies were successful; however, 35 patients had pathology that required a two-step treatment. The majority of the hysteroscopies (2470; 51.2%) were diagnostic ones, while the remaining (2357; 48.83 %) were surgical ones. A vasovagal attack affected just two patients (2 of 4827).
Conclusion: Together with reduced pressure, continuous flow irrigation, and vaginoscopic technique, advising the patient for ambulatory hysteroscopy played a crucial role in the outpatient environment in helping the patient deal with discomfort and anxiety. This method is made easier by recent developments in technique and apparatus, which may stimulate a wider acceptance by the gynecological community.
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