VOLUME 15 , ISSUE 2 ( March-April, 2023 ) > List of Articles
Shruti A Panchbudhe, Sumedha S Pathade, Shivani Maske, Prachi Palve, Kiran Gaware
Keywords : Autosomal recessive, Bloom syndrome, Dubin–Johnson syndrome, Genetic disorder, Homocysteinemia, Preconception care, Sickle cell disease, Wilson disease
Citation Information : Panchbudhe SA, Pathade SS, Maske S, Palve P, Gaware K. “A Tale of ‘AR’: A Rare All-round Review of Obstetric Autosomal Recessive Disorders”. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2023; 15 (2):175-179.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10006-2211
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 11-05-2023
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).
Aim: The aim of this study was to understand the obstetric management of autosomal recessive (AR) disorders. Background: Pregnancy is fickle in nature. While it can put a veil on a few diseases and cause their remissions, it can as well unmask several other disorders, making itself a window for diagnosis. Not only does it help salvage the mother from further complications of such disorders but also provides the obstetricians an opportunity to know whether her future progeny, nurturing within her currently, shall be affected by those disorders. Case description: Hereby, we discuss six cases of rare disorders of autosomal recessive origin in our case series that can possibly cause profound morbidity to both the fetus and the mother. Conclusion: While not encountered routinely, a knowledge of these goes a long way in securing the loose ends of the finer aspects of maternal and fetal outcomes in maternal autosomal recessive disorders. Clinical significance: Not only do these disorders cause poor outcomes on their own, but the drugs used to maintain their remissions are also often teratogenic and require reconsideration with astute preconceptional counseling. In lieu of the paucity of literature on this subject, this case series will be an invaluable addition to the obstetric management of autosomal recessive disorders.