Self-administration of Abortion Pills and its Maternal Outcome in Tertiary Care Center
Neha Thakur, Ritu Shilp Verma, Tripti Nagaria
Keywords :
Complications, First trimester medical termination of pregnancy, MTP law, Second trimester termination of pregnancy, Self-medication, Unsafe abortions
Citation Information :
Thakur N, Verma RS, Nagaria T. Self-administration of Abortion Pills and its Maternal Outcome in Tertiary Care Center. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2023; 15 (2):144-148.
Background: Abortion service as medical healthcare facility is an essential service a woman needs. Despite well-developed medical service centers in our country and the legalization of abortion, the incidence of illegal and unsafe abortion has not come down. This study was carried out to analyze the complications following self-medication of abortion pills and to suggest measures to prevent such practice.
Methods: This was a retrospective observational study conducted in 125 women who came with history of (H/o) self-intake of abortion pills and presented at our hospital from January 2020 to December 2020.
Result: In this study, majority of participants who took self-abortion pills were between 21 and 25 years (36%) of age, and most of them (61.6%) had completed their higher secondary education. Nearly half of the study participants (49.6%) who presented to Obstetrics and Gynecology OPD or in the emergency department were with a history of 2–3 months of amenorrhea. Incomplete abortion was found in 97 (77.6%) patients. Instrumental evacuation was required in 30 (24%) patients. Twenty-three (18.4%) patients were severely anemic. Transfusion of blood was required in 38 (30.4%) patients.
Conclusion: Medical abortion is effective and safe when carried out under medical supervision. Unsupervised use of medical abortion pills is associated with many complications like incomplete abortion, rupture ectopic, and ruptured uterus. So, over-the-counter sale of medical abortion pills should be restricted.
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