Citation Information :
A Study and Analysis of Cesarean Sections by Robson's Ten Group Classification System. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2022; 14 (4):370-373.
Background: The hitherto rising rate of cesarean sections is affecting women's obstetric careers by its inherent operative complications and on the other hand, the fetal complications arising from morbid trials of labor has its own medicolegal repercussions. In this scenario, Robson's Ten Group Classification System (TGCS) provides a comprehensive and conclusive system for classifying indications of cesarean sections and helps to curb down rates of cesarean sections. Methodology: The present study was conducted by retrospective data collection in a tertiary care center from January 2019 to December 2019. The study center is a major teaching hospital in Mumbai, which is also a referral center for all peripheral hospitals as well. Result: The rate of cesarean sections in our institute is 44.24%. The rate of cesarean sections (CS) is undoubtedly high. This is attributable to high-risk women coming into labor, and the condition in which these women come warrants the doctor to proceed for CS directly for maternal and fetal salvage. Conclusion: The major focus to bring down CS rates should be to reduce primary CS rates by encouraging good and ethical trials of labor. Encouraging instrumental vaginal delivery, whenever not contraindicated, also will bring down CS rates. Clinical significance: This study helps us understand the lost art of vaginal delivery and rising rates of poorly indicated cesarean sections and the type of indications for which cesarean sections are performed. It helps us introspect and improvise our clinical judgment on this topic.
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Abhilasha Yadav, Rachna Agrawal, Romila Chawang K, et al. Analysis of cesarean section rate using Robson 10 Group Classification System in a Tertiary Hospital: an observational study. Global J Med Res 2022. ISSN 2249-4618. Available at: . Date accessed: 28 April 2022.