Backround: Uterus didelphys with obliterated half-vagina and absent kidney on the same side is a syndrome with very low incidence known as Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome (HWW) and also known as obstructed half-vagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA).1,2Case report: Sixteen-year-old female presented with cyclical pain in abdomen mostly from Day 1 on her periods since menarche since 1–2 years. She had regular menstrual cycle with dysmenorrhea. Clinical examination was done, and on ultrasound, we diagnosed it as HWW syndrome.
Intraoperatively, a bulge was arising from right vaginal wall, and on left side, cervix was felt with normal size uterus. Incision was taken on the bulge, about 60cc of mucous discharge was drained. We confirmed uterine didelphys. Later suturing was done on the opening of the right vagina, to keep it patent.
Conclusion: We should think of HWW syndrome in patients who have cyclic pain in abdomen and also in newborn cases with any renal abnormalities. Early and prompt surgical therapy prevents further complications.
Clinical significance: Early diagnosis and treatment prevents complications such as endometriosis and infertility.
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