Unmet Needs of Contraception among Married Women: A Rural Qualitative Study
Mercy M Jafrin, Rajesh K Konduru, Murugan Natesan, Anil J Purty
Citation Information :
Jafrin MM, Konduru RK, Natesan M, Purty AJ. Unmet Needs of Contraception among Married Women: A Rural Qualitative Study. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2022; 14 (1):6-10.
Aim and objective: To identify the factors influencing the unmet needs of contraceptive use by Qualitative research methods.
Materials and methods: A community-based qualitative study with the help of focused group discussions (FGD) and an interview guide was formulated after assessing micro- and macrolevel factors for not using contraceptive methods. A sociogram was used to visually depict the flow of information in the discussion.
Results: From the FGD the hindering factors to practice contraception were found to be lack of knowledge in selecting a method, fear of side effects, and hesitancy to seek help from care providers. Some stated that they have self-control and they lack co-inhabitation with the spouse. Also the utility of family planning services is also unacceptable and inaccessible and unaffordable. The facilitating factors for practicing the contraceptive practices were women who wanted to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Some expressed their views as practicing contraception will take care of population explosion. After the session women also expressed their interest in knowing and practicing the different methods of contraception as a behavior change.
Conclusion: It was found that factors contributing toward the unmet needs of contraception were client factors, family factors, and health system factors.
Clinical significance: This study brought out the factors responsible for the unmet needs of contraception and paved the way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and providing a platform for improving the health status of women by following contraception methods.
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