Aim: To assess the frequency of uterine rupture and its associated fetomaternal outcomes.
Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Unit 1, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital from January 2019 to December 2019. Women with ruptured uterus diagnosed prior to or during surgery at the hospital were included. Those who had ruptured uterus secondary to congenital abnormality were excluded. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16.0.
Results: There were 1,054 deliveries during the year 2019 and rupture was diagnosed in nine cases (0.8%). Two women with rupture were booked and the rest were un-booked. Neglected obstructed labor was the major cause of ruptured uteri, while 44.44% cases had previous cesarean section scar. With respect to site, 66.66% of cases had ruptured anterior wall. Rupture was complete in 77.7% of cases. Hysterectomy was performed in 44.44%. Two maternal and seven intrauterine deaths (77.78%) took place in this study. Live birth rate was 22.22%.
Conclusion: Our study proved that neglected prolonged labor is still claiming maternal lives in the region. Antenatal care should be made more accessible and training should be provided to traditional birth attendants to recognize and refer such cases.
Clinical significance: Traditional birth attendants need to be supervised and trained to use oxytocin. Women should be advised strictly to deliver in hospitals after a cesarean birth.
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