Citation Information :
Rao S, Hadi V, Mallapur A, Kuri C, Katageri G. Myriad Obstetric Complications in Patients with Scarred Uterus: A Case Series. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2020; 12 (6):438-442.
Obstetric practice in recent times has witnessed a steady increase in the rate of primary cesarean sections and thus, the consequences of the same. Managing previous cesarean cases in obstetrics has now become a routine, and the complications which we encounter in these patients. In this case series, we present five different presentations of previous cesareans and their outcomes. Treating the complications in these leads to a lot of diagnostic and management dilemmas as there is no definite prescribed protocol and individualized management strategies need to be adopted. Atypical clinical and radiological signs should be identified in such cases and should be managed in a tertiary care hospital for the best outcome of the patient.
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