Pharmacological Management of Endometriosis-related Pain: The Expert Opinion
Svetlana O Dubrovina, Yuliya D Berlim, Vitaly F Bezhenar, Vitaly S Gimbut, Igor I Baranov
Citation Information :
Dubrovina SO, Berlim YD, Bezhenar VF, Gimbut VS, Baranov II. Pharmacological Management of Endometriosis-related Pain: The Expert Opinion. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2020; 12 (6):415-420.
Aim: The aim of this review article was to analyze and summarize the current treatment options of endometriosis-associated pain to provide additional information about treatment personalization for clinicians. Background: Despite numerous studies being published, endometriosis is still one of the main challenges in gynecology. The etiology of endometriosis is unclear while its mechanism is believed to be connected to the peritoneal endometriotic lesions via retrograde menstruation, immunity abnormalities, and genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Patients with endometriosis generally have to cope with chronic pelvic pain which definitely affects the quality of life. The disease is often characterized by a persistent recurrent course; therefore, when choosing a treatment, special attention should be paid not only to its efficacy, but also to long-term safety, tolerability, and compliance. Review results: Actual and relevant publications in PubMed and eLibrary databases were studied. The authors highlight the pathogenic mechanisms of endometriosis and the current state of pharmacological management options. The available evidence on the use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) for pelvic pain is critically assessed and the authors propose their opinion on the alternative treatment options with progestogens which seem to be an effective alternative to COCs with a more favorable safety profile. Conclusion: Progestogens are an effective alternative to COCs in the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain; however, further well-conducted trials are needed in both types of therapy. Clinical significance: The results of this literature review provide additional information to enable clinicians to personalize the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain.
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