Parenchymal Splenic Metastasis from Ovarian Cancer: A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review
Mohammad Zuhdy, Khaled Gaballa, Omar Hamdy, Reham Alghandour, Mohamed G Elmadawy, Yasmin N Laimon, Gehad A Saleh, Mahmoud M Saleh, Amr Hosam
Keywords :
Case report, Ovarian cancer, Splenic metastasis
Citation Information :
Zuhdy M, Gaballa K, Hamdy O, Alghandour R, Elmadawy MG, Laimon YN, Saleh GA, Saleh MM, Hosam A. Parenchymal Splenic Metastasis from Ovarian Cancer: A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2019; 11 (4):273-277.
Aim: We report two cases of splenic metastasis from ovarian cancer. Background: Parenchymal splenic metastasis from ovarian cancer is rarely encountered. Case description: Two cases of ovarian serous carcinoma presented by isolated recurrent parenchymal splenic metastasis that was managed by splenectomy as secondary cytoreductive surgery. Conclusion: Thorough follow-up of ovarian cancer cases including careful clinical examination, computed tomography (CT), and tumor markers assessment, when clinically indicated, can early detect any recurrence events even isolated splenic recurrence. Clinical significance: Although being rare, parenchymal splenic metastasis from ovarian cancer should be suspected in advanced stage ovarian cancer.
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