Women's Perceptions and Practices on Human Papillomavirus Infection and Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Sri Lankan Community
Chinthika P Gunasekara, Irangi Karunanayake, Nirasha Premathilake, Nawashika H Senarathna, Ishanka Udayangani, Manjula M Weerasekara, Ramya Pathiraja, Neluka Fernando
Keywords :
Attitudes, Cervical cancer, HPV vaccine, Human papillomavirus, Knowledge, Practices, Sri Lanka
Citation Information :
Gunasekara CP, Karunanayake I, Premathilake N, Senarathna NH, Udayangani I, Weerasekara MM, Pathiraja R, Fernando N. Women's Perceptions and Practices on Human Papillomavirus Infection and Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Sri Lankan Community. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2019; 11 (1):65-69.
Aim: This study investigated the knowledge, perceptions, and practices regarding human papilloma virus (HPV) infection among women attending gynecology clinic and antenatal clinic at a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted of 400 women attending gynecology and antenatal clinics at a teaching hospital between September 2015 and December 2015. A pretested self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. A score of ≥ 75% was considered as good while 74.50% was considered as moderate and < 50% as poor. Results: Out of 400 women who participated in this study, the percentage of respondents who had heard of HPV, cervical cancer (CC) and genital warts were 23%, 80%, and 41% respectively. However, only 16% knew that there is an association between HPV and CC. Although 48% believed that CC is common in Sri Lanka, only 6.8% considered themselves at risk. Overall knowledge of risk factors, symptoms, transmission and diagnosis was 44% (CC) and 14% (HPV infection) respectively. Only 14.3% was aware of the availability of the HPV vaccine in Sri Lanka. None of the participants in the study group had received the HPV vaccine. Conclusion: This population had poor knowledge, attitudes, and practices with regard to HPV infection. Clinical significance: Therefore substantial effort should be made to educate the society regarding HPV infection, complications, and preventive measures.
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