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Agrawal R, Goel G. Puerperal Sepsis with Uterine Scar Dehiscence after Cesarean Section: A Rare Complication. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2018; 10 (4S2):435-437.
There has been an increase in the rate of cesarean section performed worldwide recently with a parallel increase in associated complications. Uterine wound dehiscence and pelvic hematoma with abscess collection is a very rare complication of cesarean section. Frequency of uterine dehiscence is between 0.06% and 3.8 %.1 Postoperative pyrexia may result from various causes, pelvic abscess being a very rare one, occurring in <1% of patients with postcesarean endometritis.2 If uterine dehiscence leads to severe infection, laparotomy should be performed.3-5 During laparotomy, conservative resuturing after debridement can be chosen, but in the presence of marked wound infection, endometriosis and/or intra-abdominal abscess, hysterectomy should be considered. A high index of suspicion with appropriate investigations can highlight such problems for early treatment and cure with the least morbidity and mortality.
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De Vivo A, Mancuso A, et al. Wound length and corticosteroid administration as risk factors for surgical-site complications following cesarean section. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2010;89(3):355-359.
Killian CA, Graffunder EM, et al. Risk factors for surgical-site infections following cesarean section. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2001;22:613-617.
Wloch C, Wilson J, et al. Risk factors for surgical site infection following caesarean section in England: results from a multicentre cohort study. BJOG 2012;119(11):1324-1333.
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