Citation Information :
Singh VY. Papillary Squamotransitional Cell Carcinoma Cervix: Case Report of a Rare Variant. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2018; 10 (4S2):429-431.
Papillary squamotransitional cell carcinoma (PSTCC), a less commonly reported histopathological subtype of cervical cancer's most common “squamous cell carcinoma”. Papillary cervical carcinoma has similarity to urinary tract transitional cell cancers. PSTCC present more in postmenopausal women with late symptom presentation, are underdiagnosed and underreported because of rarity and also have recurrences many years after initial diagnosis.
Here we report a case of 52-year-old postmenopausal woman with complaints of bleeding per vaginum for few months. Her cervical cytology reported atypical cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) and cervical biopsy as a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSILs). The patient underwent total laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral salphingoopherectomy and her hysterectomy specimen pathological evaluation diagnosed her to be papillary squamotransitional cell carcinoma mixed type. With 18 months follow-up, the patient did not show any local, regional or systemic recurrence.
When cytology and histology findings do not match, clinical suspicion and awareness of papillary squamotransitional cell cervical cancer are prerequisites for an accurate diagnosis.
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