VOLUME 10 , ISSUE 3 ( July-September, 2018 ) > List of Articles
Nithya P Jayakumar, Sharan J Pal
Keywords : Antenatal scan, Congenital anomalies, Prevalence.
Citation Information : Jayakumar NP, Pal SJ. Mysterious Oddities of Conception–An Insight into Congenital Malformations: A 2 Year Study. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2018; 10 (3):186-190.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10006-1586
Published Online: 01-07-2015
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2018; The Author(s).
Introduction: ‘A flower bloomed already wilting. Beginning its life with an early ending’. Some babies with birth defects are unfortunate whose birth is clouded with sadness and worry for the parents because of the birth defects in them which manifest either immediately after birth or after a while, depending on the nature of the congenital abnormality. Aims and objectives: To study the prevalence of fetal anomalies over 2 years in a tertiary care hospital and its relation to maternal and fetal factors. Materials and methods: A retrospective study from January 2014 to December 2015. Cases with anomalous babies were identified from the birth registry and the corresponding files were retrieved from the hospital medical records section. The details were recorded in the designed proforma and influences of variables such as age, parity, consanguinity, gender, the type of anomalies, mode of termination, associated antenatal complications were studied. Collected data were analyzed by proportions. Results: Out of 12650 deliveries in 2 years, the overall prevalence of anomalous babies was found to be 0.5% (63). Incidence of anomalies was found to be more in multipara than primigravida. Among the anomalies detected central nervous system accounted to be the highest–52.4%, followed by cardiac-14.3%. Among the various other anomalies facial defects–9.5%, musculoskeletal– 4.8%, chromosomal–4.8%, Gastrointestial system– 4.8%,abdominal wall defects–1.6%, genitourinary–1.6% and some had combination of one or more systems. Male gender was found to be predominant among the anomalous fetus,73% of the mothers had no associated antenatal complications. Two mothers were diagnosed with toxoplasma gondii, other viruses, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex (TORCH). Conclusion: Prevalence of anomalies was found to be 0.5% over 2 years in our hospital which is comparatively lower than the national average of 2 to 3% and it was 1.2% in a study conducted over 5 years (Jan 2008–Dec 2012) in the same hospital settings. Timely antenatal diagnosis of malformations before 20 weeks of pregnancy will provide an opportunity to consult, counsel, intervene and reduce the high morbidity and mortality.