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Bhargava S, Hooja N, Sharma A, Kumawat B, Nawal R, Shastri A, Kala M, Manish R. Postoperative Outcome of Caesarean Section in Closure Versus Nonclosure of Parietal Peritoneum. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2018; 10 (3):182-185.
Aim: Caesarean section is the commonest obstetric surgery. Any change in the operative technique however small, affects the postoperative outcome. Effect of nonclosure of peritoneum on postoperative outcome was evaluated.
Method: This was an interventional study. Postoperative condition of the women was assessed after caesarean section. Peritoneum was either closed or left open and outcome was compared. Statistical analysis was done.
Results: Most women in the nonclosure group had earlier ambulation and return of bowel activity and breastfed early in comparison to the closure group. More postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting was observed when peritoneum was closed. Since the stay in hospital was less in women with peritoneal nonclosure and because of use of lesser suture material, this was more cost effective too.
Conclusion: Leaving the peritoneal open was a better method than closing it because patient was more comfortable, there was lesser morbidity and shorter hospital stay and cost effectiveness.
Clinical significance: The policy of peritoneal nonclosure will help in decreasing maternal discomfort, shorter hospital stay and overall economical.
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